It really seems like its so much harder to gain Elo at lower levels.
Even though I qued up with my good friend(Timtastic),
We still came across very stubborn teammates who only know
how to play one to two useless champs. One major problem is that 1 to 2 teammates never respond or say anything while picking champions, and honestly its really frustrating because most of them have
200+ loses and aren't ranked so they really don't see any point to try to play
competitively. Anyways I'm going to take a break from the ranting and show you
where I'm at.
Right now I'm down 76 Elo and it sucks. Right now is the time to dig myself out of this hole.
Wish me luck! (Update: Won another game, now I'm at 1265. First ranked game as jungle shaco and I did pretty well)